Beginning Summer 2021 Classes
Week 10- Returning a Favor
Week 9- The Trip to El Palmito
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
The Trip to El Palmito |
3. Watch the video. Learn about homophones.
Week 8- License, Please
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
License, Please |
3. Watch the video. Learn about do, does, don't, and doesn't.
Week 7- Give Me the Money!
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
Give Me the Money |
3. Watch the video. Learn about "can" and "can't."
Week 6- Shopping Day
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
Shopping Day.pptx |
3. Watch the video. Learn about singular nouns and plural nouns.
Week 5- Fufu Returns
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
Fufu Returns.pptx |
3. Watch the video. Learn about clothing and colors.
Week 4- The Parking Ticket
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
The Parking Ticket |
Week 3 - Fast Money
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
Fast Money |
3. Practice making change.
Week 2 - Where is Mrs. Zimmer?
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
week_02_-_where_is_mrs_zimmer.pdf |
3. Watch the video to learn about this week's grammar.
Week 1 - Help! I Can't Find My Apartment!
1. Watch the video. Practice the vocabulary.
2. Read the story.
week_01_-_help_i_cant_find_my_apartment.pdf |
3. Watch the video. Learn about adjectives.